Tuesday, 17 December 2013

This, Izzy, Is For You ._.

Izzy, if you're reading this...(Which I know you are),

You like to hurt me, don't you? You like to take stuff out of my pencil case and drop it on the floor. You like to hide my bag and then laugh in my face when you give it back to me. But guess what? I don't care. It just goes straight over my head. We'll see who's laughing when you've got no friends because you're a nasty piece of work, and I've still got my best friend. I can't wait until the day when everyone realises that you're just mean. You've got all your friends, sure. And they're just as mean, but I hope they'll see sense and stop copying you. Why have you got to be so nasty, Isabelle?
I don't know. I don't even think you know. You just want to keep in with the 'in' group...

You don't hurt me. The things you say, those snippy little comments. The things you do, dropping my stuff. It doesn't get to me. You don't bother me. You're nothing more then an annoyance.

I know you're reading this, Izzy, and I know that I've just left you feeling dumb-struck.

So there. Now you know that I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO TO ME!

Summer Out~

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